New gas infastructure in the Western Balkans is not compatible with the IPCC climate goal — and may leave stranded assets (Photo: Axel Schmidt)

EU's West Balkans gas expansion hurts security and renewables

In the past year, Western Balkan governments have announced a series of new gas pipelines, terminals and power plants, supposedly to steer the region away from Russia.

These plans — many of which are receiving financial and political support from the EU and US — if implemented, will hamper the region's transition to renewables, while aggravating economic and security risks, including those involving Russia.

Western Balkan governments haven't learned much from the last year in wh...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Gligor Radečić leads the gas campaign and Pippa Gallop is southeast Europe energy policy officer, both at NGO CEE Bankwatch Network, an umbrella platform of 16 green groups from central and eastern Europe making international public finance work for people and the planet.

New gas infastructure in the Western Balkans is not compatible with the IPCC climate goal — and may leave stranded assets (Photo: Axel Schmidt)


Author Bio

Gligor Radečić leads the gas campaign and Pippa Gallop is southeast Europe energy policy officer, both at NGO CEE Bankwatch Network, an umbrella platform of 16 green groups from central and eastern Europe making international public finance work for people and the planet.


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