'The US has forgotten that in the past 12 months it has singlehandedly dismantled the past decade's work between the USA, EU, France, UK, Germany, Russia and China in concluding the Iran nuclear deal' (Photo:

US and Iran: Shoot and tweet, then think ...

If the world was hoping for 2020 to be a calmer decade, Iranian major general Soleimani's death quickly reminded us that global security and stability is on the edge.

On paper, removing Soleimani is a welcome move, celebrated by those he oppressed and the families of those he murdered at home and abroad.

However, Soleimani's killing has also highlighted the US president's lack of a coherent strategy to guide the West through th...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Assita Kanko is a Belgian MEP for the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group and a member of the foreign affairs and security and defence committees.

'The US has forgotten that in the past 12 months it has singlehandedly dismantled the past decade's work between the USA, EU, France, UK, Germany, Russia and China in concluding the Iran nuclear deal' (Photo:


Author Bio

Assita Kanko is a Belgian MEP for the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group and a member of the foreign affairs and security and defence committees.


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