The IMF wants to wait until there is more clarity on Greece's future, amid talk it might exit the euro (Photo: John D. Carnessiotis, Athens, Greece)

€8bn Greek payment on ice until referendum

Greece will not receive an €8 billion tranche of EU and International Monetary Fund (IMF) money until after its referendum on the eurozone rescue plan, reports indicate.

"The [IMF] board would not want to give money to Greece and then wonder what will happen ... The board will want comfort that Greece will fulfill its commitments and right now Papandreou is unable to give that," a senior IMF source told Reuters on Wednesday (2 November).

German finance ministry spokesman Martin K...

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The IMF wants to wait until there is more clarity on Greece's future, amid talk it might exit the euro (Photo: John D. Carnessiotis, Athens, Greece)



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