The four presidents met in the Sandor Palace where they were greeted by a military parade with hussars on horseback and the anthem of the European Union, the "Ode to Joy" from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony (Photo: European Commission)

Eastern axis set to continue

Co-operation between the Visegrad group - the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary makes sense and must go on after the four countries join the EU as from May next year. That was a message sent by the four presidents from Monday’s summit in Budapest.

President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus, who earlier, as the country’s Prime Minister, described this co-operation as an artificial, false and unnecessary grouping, has now echoed this sentiment.

"We will try to change ...

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The four presidents met in the Sandor Palace where they were greeted by a military parade with hussars on horseback and the anthem of the European Union, the "Ode to Joy" from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony (Photo: European Commission)

