The move comes after last Saturday’s vote on reunification produced a Turkish Cypriot ‘Yes’ and a Greek Cypriot ‘No’ (Photo: EUobserver)

Pledge to end Northern Cyprus’ trade isolation

In a bid to keep hopes of reunification alive the EU has pledged to ease its de facto embargo on Northern Cyprus, foreign ministers announced today.

Meeting in Luxembourg today (26 April) representatives of the EU 15 discussed how to mark the North’s 'yes' vote.

In a declaration ministers expressed their desire to end almost 30 years of economic isolation where the North’s only trading partner has been Turkey.

"The Council is determined to put an end to the isolation of the ...

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The move comes after last Saturday’s vote on reunification produced a Turkish Cypriot ‘Yes’ and a Greek Cypriot ‘No’ (Photo: EUobserver)

