Mar 26, 2025
Commissioner Rehn -"The EU's absorption capacity is stretched to its limits" (Photo: European Commission)

Blow to Kiev as Brussels closes door to further enlargement

by Mark Beunderman, Brussels, November 9, 2005, 4:42:43 PM
1 co-observer

The European Commission has in a new strategy paper responded to wary public opinion about enlargement by stating the EU should be "cautious" about further expansion - with serious possible consequences for states like Ukraine.

Enlargement commissioner Olli Rehn on Wednesday (9 November) said while presenting Brussels' 2005 enlargement strategy paper: "We need to consolidate our enlargement agenda but be cautious with new commitments."

The report defines the current agenda as "th...

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Commissioner Rehn -"The EU's absorption capacity is stretched to its limits" (Photo: European Commission)



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