Chechnya gunman - the small arms trade fuels conflict on Europe's borders (Photo: Wikipedia)

EU firms getting round China arms embargo

by Andrew Rettman, Brussels,

European firms such as AugustaWestland and Eurocopter are supplying components for Chinese combat helicopters via networks of global subsidiaries and re-exporters despite the EU's 17-year old China arms embargo, NGOs have warned.

China's new Z-10 attack helicopter "would not fly" without parts from the British-Italian and Franco-German companies, a new report called "Arms Without Borders" by human rights pressure groups, including Amnesty International and Oxfam, says.

"Arms comp...

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Author Bio

Andrew Rettman is EUobserver's Foreign Affairs Editor. He has been writing about foreign and security affairs for EUobserver since 2005. He is Polish but grew up in the UK. He has also written for The Guardian, The Telegraph, and The Times of London.

Chechnya gunman - the small arms trade fuels conflict on Europe's borders (Photo: Wikipedia)


Author Bio

Andrew Rettman is EUobserver's Foreign Affairs Editor. He has been writing about foreign and security affairs for EUobserver since 2005. He is Polish but grew up in the UK. He has also written for The Guardian, The Telegraph, and The Times of London.
