The EU's plans for closer integration with Russia via Arctic energy projects have been dealt a blow (Photo: Gazprom)

Russia snubs European firms in Arctic gas project

Russia's Gazprom says it will develop the Shtokman gas field in the Barents Sea alone, which could deal a blow to Norway's plan to help integrate Russia with Europe via major Arctic energy projects and dash the plans of major European firms.

"Gazprom will develop the giant Shtokman gas deposit off Russia's Arctic shelf without foreign companies," Alexei Miller, the energy giant's CEO, told Russia Today TV on Monday (9 October), Russian state-owned news agency Ria Novosti reports.


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Author Bio

Andrew Rettman is EUobserver's foreign editor, writing about foreign and security issues since 2005. He is Polish, but grew up in the UK, and lives in Brussels. He has also written for The Guardian, The Times of London, and Intelligence Online.

The EU's plans for closer integration with Russia via Arctic energy projects have been dealt a blow (Photo: Gazprom)


Author Bio

Andrew Rettman is EUobserver's foreign editor, writing about foreign and security issues since 2005. He is Polish, but grew up in the UK, and lives in Brussels. He has also written for The Guardian, The Times of London, and Intelligence Online.
