EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana - The EU wants to be "in the front lines of supporting stability in the Balkans" (Photo: Service photographique de la Présidence de la République)

EU ministers warn Kosovo over unilateral independence move

Several EU foreign ministers on Monday (19 November) called on Kosovo not to declare unilateral independence next month as it has threatened to do, fearing such a move will destabilise the region.

French EU minister Jean-Pierre Jouyet called for Kosovo's "restraint and wisdom", while earlier on UK minister for European affairs Jim Murphy said that "Kosovo should be independent, but it shouldn't be an unmanaged, unilateral declaration".

Bulgarian foreign minister Ivailo Kalfin told...

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EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana - The EU wants to be "in the front lines of supporting stability in the Balkans" (Photo: Service photographique de la Présidence de la République)

