In 2004, the French government banned the wearing of "conspicuous" religious symbols by pupils in state schools and by public sector workers (Photo: superblinkymac)

French panel proposes partial ban on Muslim veil

A panel of French law-makers on Tuesday (27 January) published a report proposing that the Burqa be banned from public schools, hospitals, government offices and public transport.

After six months of deliberation, the 32-member cross-party parliament commission said the face-covering Burqa did not fit French values. "The wearing of the full veil is a challenge to our republic. This is unacceptable," its report says.

It suggests that Burqa-clad women not be allowed to obtain work v...

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In 2004, the French government banned the wearing of "conspicuous" religious symbols by pupils in state schools and by public sector workers (Photo: superblinkymac)

