Jan 11, 2025
Formerly the poster-child of EU success, Ireland's relations with the 27-member bloc have become less easy (Photo: topgold)

Ireland heads to the polls amid strained EU relations

by Andrew Willis, Brussels, February 25, 2011, 8:29:39 AM
1 co-observer

Irish citizens head to the polls on Friday (25 February), their economy in tatters and once-strong relations with the European Union under strain.

Uppermost in the minds of many voters will be last November's €85 billion bail-out package from the EU and IMF, with anger over the loan's punitive interest rate and deficit-cutting requirements mixed with dismay over Ireland's fallen stature among its European partners.

"Ireland went from dependence, to interdependence, to dependence...

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Formerly the poster-child of EU success, Ireland's relations with the 27-member bloc have become less easy (Photo: topgold)



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