Fogh Rasmussen (second from right) was outspoken critic of Russia in his time as Nato chief (Photo:

Russia mocks ex-Nato chief's new Kiev job

Russian politicians have mocked Ukraine’s decision to appoint a former Nato chief, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, as an aide to president Petro Poroshenko.

Sergei Zhigarev, a Russian MP who is deputy head of the Duma’s defence committee, told Russian media it showed Poroshenko “does not trust his own citizens”. Konstantin Kosachev, the head of the foreign affairs committee, called it “buffoonery” that is designed “to keep Ukraine in the centre of attention with its Western partners”. Leonid Ka...

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Author Bio

Andrew Rettman is EUobserver's Foreign Affairs Editor. He has been writing about foreign and security affairs for EUobserver since 2005. He is Polish but grew up in the UK. He has also written for The Guardian, The Telegraph, and The Times of London.

Fogh Rasmussen (second from right) was outspoken critic of Russia in his time as Nato chief (Photo:


Author Bio

Andrew Rettman is EUobserver's Foreign Affairs Editor. He has been writing about foreign and security affairs for EUobserver since 2005. He is Polish but grew up in the UK. He has also written for The Guardian, The Telegraph, and The Times of London.


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