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11 hours ago
Like sending barely-trained and unarmed soldiers to the front line, the 'meat waves' of Russian information warfare are not aiming to penetrate Western information space by being exceptionally smart – they are simply seeking to overwhelm it with great numbers of pro-Kremlin, anti-Ukrainian and/or conspiracy narratives.
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6 hours ago
MEPs who had gathered in the European Parliament in Strasbourg approved EU debt and spending by a wide margin. The Greens, supported by the Left, led an effort to block the deal, saying spending limits would undermine investments in social and green investments.
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6 hours ago
Only six MEPs voted against a 'groundbreaking' new law prohibiting products made with forced labour, targeting supply chains both inside and outside the EU. The broad support came despite lengthy negotiations on the file, and some doubts remain. 
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Informal meeting of health ministers

Informal meeting of health ministers

Informal meeting of health ministers

Informal meeting of health ministers

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Agriculture and Fisheries Council

Informal meeting of the General Affairs Council

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EU elections


Migration pact hailed as 'huge' EU win, amid human-rights fears

13 days ago
MEPs have given their final approval to the EU's long-delayed immigration and asylum pact, which EU Commission president von der Leyen heralded as a "huge achievement for Europe".
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Welcome to the new EUobserver

6 days ago
New website, same EUobserver. Come explore its updated look, features and possibilities for the future with us.
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EU rules seen as insufficient to fix nutrient pollution

5 days ago
From rivers and lakes to lagoons and seas, numerous aquatic environments across Europe are grappling with a silent yet ubiquitous threat – an excess of nutrients that disrupt their ecological balance and imperil their very existence. And experts say current policies are not going to fix the problem.
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