The word ‘concern’ is mentioned 39 times in the latest EU report on Turkey (Photo: Vassilena)

In the ‘New’ Turkey, corruption is a thing of the past!

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has been the longest serving prime minister in Turkey’s multi-party democratic history, has declared on many occasions that Turkey is now a “new” country after his election as president in August.

He has a point. For the first time in their history Turks elected their president by direct ballot. In a sense, President Erdogan and the pro-government media, together with the embedded ‘intellectuals’ of the government propaganda machine are right: this is a New Tu...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Lisbeth founded EUobserver in 2000 and is responsible to the Board for effective strategic leadership, planning and performance. After graduating from the Danish School of Media and Journalism, she worked as a journalist, analyst, and editor for Danish media.

The word ‘concern’ is mentioned 39 times in the latest EU report on Turkey (Photo: Vassilena)


Author Bio

Lisbeth founded EUobserver in 2000 and is responsible to the Board for effective strategic leadership, planning and performance. After graduating from the Danish School of Media and Journalism, she worked as a journalist, analyst, and editor for Danish media.


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