Girls and women will be the first victims in Afghanistan after the takeover by the Taliban. (Photo: DVIDSHUB)

Time for EU to be a real ally of Afghan women

No introductions are needed for what is happening in Afghanistan.

The pandemic has taken a heavy toll on the country of 39 million and droughts threaten many livelihoods, with 12 million Afghanis facing emergency levels of food insecurity.

Now, what looked like an effortless rise of the Taliban to power poses a threat to millions of men, women, and children.

Crises are not gender-equal

We know that no one is immune to a humanitarian crisis: men and women, chil...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Serap Altinisik is representative of Plan International to the EU and head of the EU Office, board member of CIVICUS and FAIR SHARE of Women Leaders.


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Girls and women will be the first victims in Afghanistan after the takeover by the Taliban. (Photo: DVIDSHUB)


Author Bio

Serap Altinisik is representative of Plan International to the EU and head of the EU Office, board member of CIVICUS and FAIR SHARE of Women Leaders.


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