"It's not the EU that is endeavouring for Serbia to enter the EU. Serbia is the applicant for accession," says Mr Rupel (Photo: OSCE)

EU presidency to push for closer ties with Serbia

Slovenia, currently at the helm of the European Union, is set to push for signature of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) - the first step to EU membership - with Belgrade in January.

"I am one of those who believe the SAA should be signed as soon as possible, possibly by the end of this month", Slovenia's foreign minister Dimitrij Rupel said on Tuesday (8 January).

Mr Rupel also announced the EU bloc would set up a special "task force" aimed at helping Serbia to ...

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"It's not the EU that is endeavouring for Serbia to enter the EU. Serbia is the applicant for accession," says Mr Rupel (Photo: OSCE)



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