ROMANO PRODI - EU Commission President: "We must have an open debate on where the EU's borders are to be. Europe cannot just be a lump of jelly without definite borders." (Photo: European Commission)

Prodi: EU enlargement must stop somewhere

Turkey is not ready for EU membership, and Russia is too large, while Georgia and New Zealand are too far away, according to EU Commission President Romano Prodi who wonders why there is no debate on where the EU is going to stop enlargement. Partnership is the alternative for the Union's neighbours, he says.

In an interview with the Danish paper, Jyllands-Posten, Mr Prodi says that he wants a debate on where the Union's border should be. While being very much in favour of the forthcomi...

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ROMANO PRODI - EU Commission President: "We must have an open debate on where the EU's borders are to be. Europe cannot just be a lump of jelly without definite borders." (Photo: European Commission)

