

How EU funds for bike infrastructure are being misused

"In the Green Deal that we have launched we need to make sure that we help cities create the right infrastructure, so that this tremendously useful thing which is called the bicycle becomes even more accessible," European Commission vice-president Frans Timmermans speaks in a video. "Bicycling is the European way."

As part of its investments in clean urban transport,

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Author Bio

Barbora Janauerová is freelance journalist based in Czech republic, specialising in societal topics in connection with politics, human rights and environment. Daiva Repečkaitė is a Lithuanian multimedia journalist covering health, inequalities, and environmental issues. Zoltán Sipos is a Hungarian journalist living in Romania.

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Author Bio

Barbora Janauerová is freelance journalist based in Czech republic, specialising in societal topics in connection with politics, human rights and environment. Daiva Repečkaitė is a Lithuanian multimedia journalist covering health, inequalities, and environmental issues. Zoltán Sipos is a Hungarian journalist living in Romania.

This article was developed with the support of


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