Europe shows signs of being newly assertive and more self-confident (Photo:

EU and US should co-operate with Russia

The United States is set to re-think its role and leadership in the world. Europe shows signs of being newly assertive and more self-confident. And Russia may have to acknowledge its vulnerabilities and the limits of adventurism. These three developments mean right now, the EU and the US have a unique opportunity to craft a new policy toward Russia.

To take advantage of this opening, the Obama Administration should present a united front with Europe, because division within the West inv...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Lisbeth founded EUobserver in 2000 and is responsible to the Board for effective strategic leadership, planning and performance. After graduating from the Danish School of Media and Journalism, she worked as a journalist, analyst, and editor for Danish media.

Europe shows signs of being newly assertive and more self-confident (Photo:


Author Bio

Lisbeth founded EUobserver in 2000 and is responsible to the Board for effective strategic leadership, planning and performance. After graduating from the Danish School of Media and Journalism, she worked as a journalist, analyst, and editor for Danish media.
