EUROCRACY - Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt and the grand old man of British accession to the EU, Sir Edward Heath, have acceded to the Committee of friends of Eurocracy (Photo: Eurocracy)

Constitution as a board game

What to do with the new draft EU Constitution? Some think it deserves lofty praise, others want to bin it, Dutch lawyer Jacob Hoeksma, however, has taken an entirely different route.

Mr Hoeksma has made it into a board game – known as Eurocracy.

The two-page rule book for the game, he says, is a "fair reflection" of the "core of the Constitution" which runs to well over 400 articles.

The game offers each citizen the chance to become the President of the European Union...

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EUROCRACY - Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt and the grand old man of British accession to the EU, Sir Edward Heath, have acceded to the Committee of friends of Eurocracy (Photo: Eurocracy)

