EU commissioner for industry Elzbieta Bienkowska (r) said she was looking to work together with her environment colleague Karmenu Vella on legal action against member states (Photo: European Commission)

Dieselgate MEPs grow impatient with commission inaction

The European Commission is still analysing the reasons given by member states for not fining Volkswagen Group (VW) for its emissions fraud, industry commissioner Elzbieta Bienkowska told MEPs on Wednesday (14 March), some of whom were growing impatient.

Bienkowska spoke in Strasbourg to former members of the European Parliament's inquiry committee into the car emissions scandal, whose scathing report was adopted one year ago this m...

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EU commissioner for industry Elzbieta Bienkowska (r) said she was looking to work together with her environment colleague Karmenu Vella on legal action against member states (Photo: European Commission)



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