The science-fiction novel Walkaway by Cory Doctorow tells a story of a near-future world grappling with climate catastrophe, extreme inequality, and control by the ruthless ultra-rich elites (“zottarich”, as Doctorow puts it, or, for short, “zottas”).
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Already a member? Login hereAnton Shekhovtsov is director of the Centre for Democratic Integrity in Vienna, visiting professor at the Central European University, and author of three books: New Radical Rightwing Parties in European Democracies (2011), Russia and the Western Far-Right: Tango Noir (2017), and Russian Political Warfare (2023).
Anton Shekhovtsov is director of the Centre for Democratic Integrity in Vienna, visiting professor at the Central European University, and author of three books: New Radical Rightwing Parties in European Democracies (2011), Russia and the Western Far-Right: Tango Noir (2017), and Russian Political Warfare (2023).