Sexual violence as a tactic of war, terrorism and political repression is on the rise, warns the UN — so where is the outcry?


'War on Women' needs forceful response, not glib statements

Across the world, women's rights are under assault. This global war on women demands urgent international attention — and a forceful collective response.

Feel-good tick box references to gender equality of the kind made in last week's long-winded and largely unreadable official G7 and Nato statements are not enough.

Twenty-five years after the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, not a single UN member has achieved gender equality.

Discrimination ba...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Shada Islam is an independent EU analyst and commentator who runs her own strategy and advisory company New Horizons Project. She is also the editor of the EUobserver magazine.

Sexual violence as a tactic of war, terrorism and political repression is on the rise, warns the UN — so where is the outcry?


Author Bio

Shada Islam is an independent EU analyst and commentator who runs her own strategy and advisory company New Horizons Project. She is also the editor of the EUobserver magazine.


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