Gabor Vona, the 32-year-old Jobbik leader and founder of the Magyar Garda (Photo: Flickr)

A far-right for the Facebook generation: The rise and rise of Jobbik

Last week, Europeans woke up to the sinister news that in the heart of Europe a thoroughly far-right party, the Movement for a Better Hungary, or Jobbik, had won 17 percent of the vote in general elections, almost beating the governing Socialists into third place.

Most European nations have their share of far-right fringe groups. But Jobbik is openly anti-semitic and anti-gypsy. It is the founder of a rapidly growing, jackbooted and black-uniformed paramilitary, the Magyar Garda, and it...

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Gabor Vona, the 32-year-old Jobbik leader and founder of the Magyar Garda (Photo: Flickr)

