Greek leader George Papandreou: "Those behind the crisis, financial system, the banking system. There are many who say these people have to pay." (Photo: PES)

European Socialists propose alternative to Barroso-Van-Rompuy pact

Europe's Socialist leaders have proposed a ‘growth pact' as an alternative to the ‘competitiveness pact' originally proposed by France and Germany as a solution to the bloc's economic woes.

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann and most of the continent's social democratic leaders, many of whom currently sit on opposition benches in their parliaments, including French Socialist leader Martine Aubry and Germany's head of the SPD, Sigmar Gabriel, met a...

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Greek leader George Papandreou: "Those behind the crisis, financial system, the banking system. There are many who say these people have to pay." (Photo: PES)

