The EU is the largest donor of development aid to Africa (Photo: UNHCR Photo Download)

EU to use development aid to stop migrants

EU leaders want to use development assistance to motivate African governments to stop “illegal migration and to combat the smuggling networks.”

The plan is part of a broader proposal on migration agreed by EU leaders on Friday (26 June) at a summit in Brussels.

The EU is the biggest development aid donor to Africa.

How the assistance will be used as an “incentive” has yet to defined. But the issue will be discussed at an EU-Africa summit in Malta later this year.

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Author Bio

Nikolaj joined EUobserver in 2012 and covers home affairs. He is originally from Denmark, but spent much of his life in France and in Belgium. He was awarded the King Baudouin Foundation grant for investigative journalism in 2010.

The EU is the largest donor of development aid to Africa (Photo: UNHCR Photo Download)


Author Bio

Nikolaj joined EUobserver in 2012 and covers home affairs. He is originally from Denmark, but spent much of his life in France and in Belgium. He was awarded the King Baudouin Foundation grant for investigative journalism in 2010.


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