Maybe don’t show images of a gaggle of commissioners huddled around an iPad in astonishment as if it’s the first time they’ve seen one (Photo: European Commission)

EU communications: how not to do it

Lights! Camera! Commissioners! Action!

You can see what the European Commission communications folk, or their hirelings, were thinking.

“OK guys, we’ve got a big policy announcement coming up on a big topic (the Digital Single Market). We need to make a video to launch it and a big cheese to star in it.”

“[Digital Economy Commissioner] Oettinger?”

“Can’t. [Digital Single Market Commissioner] Ansip would be jealous.”


“Nope. Oettinger would be jealo...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver
Maybe don’t show images of a gaggle of commissioners huddled around an iPad in astonishment as if it’s the first time they’ve seen one (Photo: European Commission)



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