Sari Rautio: 'Inviting EU commissioners to participate in committee of the regions plenary sessions has allowed for direct engagement with regional representatives on key issues' (Photo: CoR-EPP)


Safeguarding cohesion under the new commission by working more together

by Sari Rautio, Brussels,

As discussions on the next European Commission intensify, I would like to share the perspective of the European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions (EPP-CoR) on the importance of cohesion over the next five years.

The EPP-CoR appreciates the vision outlined by European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen for the future College of Commissioners. Her focus on cohesion as a foundational element of the commission's agenda aligns with our commitment to promoting a competitive, inclusive, and united Europe.

Cohesion policy has consistently enhanced the quality of life across regions.

We advocate for a renewed, stronger cohesion policy that encompasses all regions, ensuring Europe remains united. It’s more than a slogan — it’s essential for driving competitiveness, growth, and well-being throughout the continent.

The EPP-CoR stresses the importance of bottom-up and place-based governance as vital to this objective. A Europe that leaves no region behind — whether urban or rural, densely or sparsely populated — will be more resilient and prosperous.

In our recent annual report on the state of regions and cities, we outlined our vision for maintaining cohesion policy as the EU's primary long-term investment tool.

Key principles such as shared management, multilevel governance, partnerships, and place-based approaches must be upheld and reinforced. These are critical to ensuring policies remain grounded in territorial realities and continue delivering tangible benefits.

As rapporteur on the 'Just and Sustainable Transition in coal and energy-intensive regions,' I advocate embedding this transition within cohesion policy. This will help regions undergoing transformation by ensuring no one is left behind. Going towards 'one plan' per member state cannot mean less involvement of local and regional authorities.

Von der Leyen’s mission letters emphasise the need for the new commission to engage more closely with regions and cities. Regular engagement with local stakeholders is crucial and aligns with the EPP-CoR's efforts through EPP Local Dialogues.

Town-hall meetings

These town-hall meetings allow for meaningful exchanges between citizens, commissioners, MEPs, and local/regional leaders, ensuring policy addresses the real needs of people and places.

The EPP-CoR supports continued close collaboration between the commission and regional authorities.

This cooperation tailors EU legislation to local realities, and we believe that territorial impact assessments should become standard practice for all new policies. Understanding regional impacts will ensure that legislation supports balanced development across the EU.

Additionally, we strongly endorse von der Leyen's call for enhanced collaboration between the commission and other EU institutions.

The EPP-CoR is eager to build on partnerships forged in recent years and deepen cooperation with the incoming commission. Inviting commissioners to participate in CoR plenary sessions has allowed for direct engagement with regional representatives on key issues. We aim to expand this successful model of cooperation to strengthen ties between all levels of governance.

The EPP-CoR remains committed to working closely with the new commission to safeguard and enhance cohesion as a central objective.

By continuing to engage with regional representatives, citizens, and EU institutions, we can build a more united, competitive, and inclusive Europe. The EPP-CoR is ready to ensure that cohesion remains a guiding principle for Europe’s future.


This article is sponsored by a third party. All opinions in this article reflect the views of the author and not of EUobserver.

Author Bio

Sari Rautio is member of the European People's Party group in the Committee of the Regions, for Hämeenlinna City Council in Finland.

Sari Rautio: 'Inviting EU commissioners to participate in committee of the regions plenary sessions has allowed for direct engagement with regional representatives on key issues' (Photo: CoR-EPP)


Author Bio

Sari Rautio is member of the European People's Party group in the Committee of the Regions, for Hämeenlinna City Council in Finland.


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