The EU recovery package comes just months after the United States passed its own historic stimulus package, totalling $2 trillion [€1.7trn] to bolster the economy (Photo: Friends of the Earth Scotland)

Why EU beats US on green pandemic recovery

While the most notable difference between the European Union and the United States in the wake of coronavirus pandemic response is the number of reported cases and COVID-related death counts, there is another significant difference, namely, the focus on environmental issues associated with recovery.

Last month, the European Union

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Dan Ziebarth is a research fellow at the Carey Institute, a non-partisan policy institute affiliated with Wagner College and a doctoral student in the department of political science at George Washington University.

The EU recovery package comes just months after the United States passed its own historic stimulus package, totalling $2 trillion [€1.7trn] to bolster the economy (Photo: Friends of the Earth Scotland)


Author Bio

Dan Ziebarth is a research fellow at the Carey Institute, a non-partisan policy institute affiliated with Wagner College and a doctoral student in the department of political science at George Washington University.


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