Commission wants 'to make it easier and safer to dismantle, re-use and recycle electronic displays (e.g. flat computer or television screens)' (Photo: Clemens v. Vogelsang)

Circular economy leak: New rules on recyclable TV screens

The European Commission is considering to require manufacturers of flat-screen computer monitors and televisions that their products can be easier to re-use and recycle, as part of its circular economy strategy.

The commission is due to present its paper on the circular economy next month, but a draft version was leaked and seen by this website.

“The objective of a circular economy is to preserve and maintain the value of products, materials and resources in the economy for as lon...

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Commission wants 'to make it easier and safer to dismantle, re-use and recycle electronic displays (e.g. flat computer or television screens)' (Photo: Clemens v. Vogelsang)



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