Recently, the Georgian Dream party seems to have decided to show its true colours as an illiberal political force (Photo: Anton Shekhovtsov)


The mask comes off the Georgian Dream party

To many an observer, far-right political parties represent a direct political threat to democracy. This threat is predominantly associated with authoritarian tendencies of the far-right, their ultra-nationalism, and populism that fuels distrust in democratic institutions.

There are, of course, many other concerns about potential dangers of the far -right shapi...

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Recently, the Georgian Dream party seems to have decided to show its true colours as an illiberal political force (Photo: Anton Shekhovtsov)


Author Bio

Anton Shekhovtsov is director of the Centre for Democratic Integrity in Vienna, visiting professor at the Central European University, and author of three books: New Radical Rightwing Parties in European Democracies (2011), Russia and the Western Far-Right: Tango Noir (2017), and Russian Political Warfare (2023).


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