Working with the 27 national foreign ministers is like herding cats


Kallas is strong on Ukraine but what about Gaza?

The EU’s (probable) new foreign policy chief Kaja Kallas comes to Brussels with what many view as excellent credentials. She is tough on Russia and an ardent supporter of Ukraine. 

To make an impact in her new job, Kallas must broaden her horizons.

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Author Bio

Shada Islam is an EUobserver columnist, and independent EU analyst and commentator who runs her own strategy and advisory company New Horizons Project. She has recently won the European Woman in Media award and the Media Career Award 2023 for her outstanding work and powerful voice on EU affairs and focus on building an inclusive Union of Equality.

Working with the 27 national foreign ministers is like herding cats


Author Bio

Shada Islam is an EUobserver columnist, and independent EU analyst and commentator who runs her own strategy and advisory company New Horizons Project. She has recently won the European Woman in Media award and the Media Career Award 2023 for her outstanding work and powerful voice on EU affairs and focus on building an inclusive Union of Equality.


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