Georgia, located south of the Caucasus Mountains, says any war would spill over into the Russian north (Photo: Wikipedia)

Russia 'not neutral' in Black Sea conflict, EU says

Russia's actions in the Georgia spy row have damaged its credibility as a neutral peacekeeper in the EU's Black Sea neighbourhood, EU South Caucasus envoy Peter Semneby told EUobserver - but the bloc is not willing to become a formal player in conflict resolution in the region.

"Recent events have added weight to the Georgian argument that Russia is not a neutral participant in the peacekeeping arrangements and negotiation formats [for Georgian separarist regions]…that the current stat...

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Author Bio

Andrew Rettman is EUobserver's foreign editor, writing about foreign and security issues since 2005. He is Polish, but grew up in the UK, and lives in Brussels. He has also written for The Guardian, The Times of London, and Intelligence Online.

Georgia, located south of the Caucasus Mountains, says any war would spill over into the Russian north (Photo: Wikipedia)


Author Bio

Andrew Rettman is EUobserver's foreign editor, writing about foreign and security issues since 2005. He is Polish, but grew up in the UK, and lives in Brussels. He has also written for The Guardian, The Times of London, and Intelligence Online.
