The Georgian parliament. As Georgia gears up for a parliamentary election in October, the EU must make it clear to the Georgian government —convinced it will get yet another pass for this latest round of democratic backsliding — that it will no longer be played (Photo: EUobserver)


A dark week in Georgia

A dark cloud hangs over Georgia this week. 

The “foreign agent law” which will require NGOs with more than 20 percent of funding from abroad to register as “organisations pursuing interests of a foreign power” passed through a second reading on Wednesday. This defies the government’s assurances last year – before Georgia was granted the status of a candid...

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The Georgian parliament. As Georgia gears up for a parliamentary election in October, the EU must make it clear to the Georgian government —convinced it will get yet another pass for this latest round of democratic backsliding — that it will no longer be played (Photo: EUobserver)


Author Bio

Ondrej Ditrych heads the research of Russia and the Eastern Neighbourhood at the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) in Paris.


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