JANET BUSH - "The only thing that is clear is that there is a yawning hole in the middle of this entire exercise - the will and desire of the European peoples. Most Europeans aren't even aware of the constitution" (Photo: New Europe)

Who asked for a European Constitution?

As EU leaders meet in Greece on Friday to study the draft constitution compiled by the Convention, it is worth going back to basics and asking what this constitution is for.

Some say it is necessary to simplify the existing treaties and make them comprehensible to Europe's citizens - Peter Hain, until recently one of the UK representatives on the Convention, called the treaty a "tidying up exercise".

Others say that it is designed to streamline the business of the Union, breakin...

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JANET BUSH - "The only thing that is clear is that there is a yawning hole in the middle of this entire exercise - the will and desire of the European peoples. Most Europeans aren't even aware of the constitution" (Photo: New Europe)

