Former Austrain MEP Ernst Strasser is facing corruption charges after having accepting a bribe to table an amendment at the European Parliament (Photo: Fotolia)

Austrian former MEP risks 10 years' jail

Special prosecutors in Vienna charged disgraced former Austrian euro-deputy and interior minister Ernst Strasser with corruption on Thursday (9 August).

Strasser - who was one of three MEPs caught on camera taking a bribe to influence legislation at the European Parliament in March last year - continues to deny any wrong doing.

An undercover sting by journalists from the UK's Sunday Times newspaper offered the then MEP an €100,000 annual fee to push through amendments that would...

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Author Bio

Nikolaj joined EUobserver in 2012 and covers home affairs. He is originally from Denmark, but spent much of his life in France and in Belgium. He was awarded the King Baudouin Foundation grant for investigative journalism in 2010.

Former Austrain MEP Ernst Strasser is facing corruption charges after having accepting a bribe to table an amendment at the European Parliament (Photo: Fotolia)


Author Bio

Nikolaj joined EUobserver in 2012 and covers home affairs. He is originally from Denmark, but spent much of his life in France and in Belgium. He was awarded the King Baudouin Foundation grant for investigative journalism in 2010.


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