Mar 14, 2025
Irish MPs are to debate a report suggesting possibilities for a second referendum on the Lisbon treaty (Photo: EUobserver)

Irish parliament to debate second Lisbon referendum

by Lucia Kubosova, November 26, 2008, 8:27:43 AM
1 co-observer

An Irish parliamentary committee is to debate a report arguing that a second referendum on the EU's Lisbon treaty is legally possible.

The draft report, first seen by the Irish Times, has been discussed in a private session by the Subcommittee on Ireland's Future in the EU and is due to be presented to the joint Committee on European Affairs on Thursday (27 November).

It argues that a second poll on the EU's new reform treaty - following the debacle in June when the Irish voters...

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Irish MPs are to debate a report suggesting possibilities for a second referendum on the Lisbon treaty (Photo: EUobserver)



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