

Podcast: After the vote is before the vote

The UK and France head into snap elections. A Hezbollah threat against EU-member Cyprus reminds Brussels that the walls of the "garden" may not be as high as one might like. Plus, Rutte goes NATO.

News doldrums, silly season, Sommerloch. There are many names for the summertime off-season, when there isn’t much to report except the sunburns of politicians as they run off to the beach with everyone else. This summer, however, is shaping up to be anything but slow. The long days are sure to be filled with horse-trading and hand-wringing of all kinds.

Both the United Kingdom and France hold snap elections around the same time in early July. Neither result is likely to be very pretty. Meanwhile, Hungary will be rotating in to run the Council of the EU, while the EU itself figures out what its next parliament and commission are going to look like. Amid all that, outgoing Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, will be stepping into NATO’s top civilian post (leaving behind a country that is more extreme right than ever).

Oh, and if Israel declares war on Hezbollah, Hezbollah may declare war on Cyprus — an EU member. Probably not, but just the idea of that is enough to underscore how big the gap is between talk of European defense and actually defending Europe, without the U.S. stepping in. Which depending how things go after the summer, it might not.

Award-winning European correspondent, Caroline de Gruyter, and New School prof, Claire Potter, lend their expert hands to help us cover all these issues.

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Author Bio

William Glucroft is a writer and journalist based in Berlin. Explorer of the Teutonic Imaginary who's covering Germany with wit, style, and insight worth reading. Martin Gak is a broadcaster and writer, a native of Argentina fascinated by the idea of Europe, its values and its cheese.


Author Bio

William Glucroft is a writer and journalist based in Berlin. Explorer of the Teutonic Imaginary who's covering Germany with wit, style, and insight worth reading. Martin Gak is a broadcaster and writer, a native of Argentina fascinated by the idea of Europe, its values and its cheese.


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