Mario Draghi, dubbed in the EU as ‘Super Mario’, said massive government and private investment, worth at least €800bn a year, is needed for Europe to catch up with China and the United States — otherwise, the continent faces 'slow agony' (Photo: European Commisison)

Draghi: Competing with China and US 'infinitely easier' with joint debt

Massive government and private investment, worth at least €800bn a year, is needed for Europe to catch up with China and the United States, according to Mario Draghi, as he launched his long-awaited report on competitiveness on Monday (9 September.)

Some form of European common debt issuance “would make things infinitely easier,” Draghi, a former president of ...

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Author Bio

Wester is a journalist from the Netherlands with a focus on the green economy. He joined EUobserver in September 2021. Previously he was editor-in-chief of Vice, Motherboard, a science-based website, and climate economy journalist for The Correspondent.

Mario Draghi, dubbed in the EU as ‘Super Mario’, said massive government and private investment, worth at least €800bn a year, is needed for Europe to catch up with China and the United States — otherwise, the continent faces 'slow agony' (Photo: European Commisison)


Author Bio

Wester is a journalist from the Netherlands with a focus on the green economy. He joined EUobserver in September 2021. Previously he was editor-in-chief of Vice, Motherboard, a science-based website, and climate economy journalist for The Correspondent.


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