The Bundestag: Right-wing lawmakers have attempted to tie the hands of Chancellor Merkel (Photo: Deutscher Bundestag/Stephan Erfurt)

Competitiveness Pact 'was never the blueprint people thought it was'

A pact for boosting the eurozone's competitiveness that has been met with stiff resistance from a number of member states now appears to be taking a back-seat to wider EU economic convergence plans.

Diplomats are suggesting that eurozone member states are unlikely to reach agreement on the Franco-German proposed Competitiveness Pact - a document subsequently taken up by European presidents Herman Van Rompuy and Jose Manuel Barroso in an effort to win wider support for the proposals - at...

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The Bundestag: Right-wing lawmakers have attempted to tie the hands of Chancellor Merkel (Photo: Deutscher Bundestag/Stephan Erfurt)

