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Gift away: Supporting members can now gift EUobserver articles

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Last week, we quietly released a new feature for EUobserver's supporting members: gift articles.

It works just like gift articles from the New York Times, Financial Times and The Atlantic.

If you're a supporting (ie, paying) member of EUobserver, you can click the little gift icon at the top an article. This copies over a unique URL to your clipboard, which you can then share with your colleagues, friends, kids, partners or enemies, so they can read an article that's normally behind the paywall.

Every supporting member gets to share up to 10 links per month, which can be read up to ten times each. These are just the initial parameters, we might still tweak them based on usage and member feedback (tell us what you think!).

With this new feature, we hope to deliver a way for our members to introduce EUobserver content to more readers who might not yet know about us.

Gift articles are just the first in a number of new features we'll be adding to the website in the coming months.

For September, we've planned to release a dedicated page that will allow members and non-members to search our archives using search terms and filters to narrow down results.

Also, we're working on a revamp of our daily newsletter to provide more context and highlight the articles you definitely should not miss.

For fans of brevity: we won't be going to a Playbook-style newsletter, just a slightly updated look and feel that gives a little more of an idea of what we think is important and what to keep an extra eye on.

If you have any ideas for features or improvements to our new-ish website, please email me at [email protected] to tell me – we value your input.

Hope you're having a lovely summer.

Author Bio

Alejandro Tauber is the publisher of EUobserver.
Just click the little gift icon to copy a unique link for sharing.


Author Bio

Alejandro Tauber is the publisher of EUobserver.

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