A majority of Irish women (56%) voted No to the Lisbon Treaty (Photo: EUobserver)

Yes voters in Irish referendum found No side more convincing, survey finds

A survey of Irish voters has shown that even amongst those who voted Yes in last week's referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, the No side was considered to be more convincing.

Some 57 percent of people who voted Yes still found the No campaign the more persuasive of the two sides, according to a flash Eurobarometer survey conducted on behalf of the European Commission.

Only 29 percent of Yes voters found the Yes campaign convincing.

Overall, a large majority of voters on both ...

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Author Bio

Lisbeth founded EUobserver in 2000 and is responsible to the Board for effective strategic leadership, planning and performance. After graduating from the Danish School of Media and Journalism, she worked as a journalist, analyst, and editor for Danish media.

A majority of Irish women (56%) voted No to the Lisbon Treaty (Photo: EUobserver)


Author Bio

Lisbeth founded EUobserver in 2000 and is responsible to the Board for effective strategic leadership, planning and performance. After graduating from the Danish School of Media and Journalism, she worked as a journalist, analyst, and editor for Danish media.
