Bolt spend about 600,000€ on lobbying Brussels in 2023 as covered by the EU transparency register (Photo: Christopher Brass)


How Bolt watered down the Platform Work Directive

Bolt spend about 600,000€ on lobbying Brussels in 2023 as covered by the EU transparency register (Photo: Christopher Brass)

The recently adopted EU directive to improve the working conditions of platform workers was significantly weakened because of the intimate relationship between Estonia and Bolt, one of Europe’s leading ride-hailing companies.

An investigation by EUobserver into several documents, a series of emails and phone call records reveals t...

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Author Bio

Dharani Thangavelu, Emma Pascal, Francesca Olivi, Sebastian Christensen, Christopher Brass and Bahar Sheikh, students of MSc Investigative Journalism, University of Gothenburg worked on the platform work directive in a cross-border collaboration with teams in Germany and France for over six months.

Additional reporting: Elisa Göppert, Annika Franz, Alina Eckelmann, Aylin Elci, Jeanne Toutain, Paul Battez.
