The vision was adopted by the Nordic prime ministers in Reykjavik on 20 August 2019. Icelandic prime minister Katrin Jakobsdottir chaired the meeting (Photo: Sigurdur Ragnar Sigurjonsson)

Nordic region to become world's most sustainable and integrated

by MARY GESTRIN, Copenhagen,

On 19 June 2019, the ministers for Nordic cooperation agreed on a new vision for the Nordic Council of Ministers. The vision was adopted by the prime ministers on 20 August 2019.

When discussing the vision, the prime ministers clearly stated that all work done within the frameworks of the Nordic Council of Ministers must contribute to achieving the vision.

The way in which the budget for Nordic cooperation is allocated must also reflect the strategic priorities associated with the vision.

This will entail a certain amount of restructuring and refocusing of work on Nordic cooperation.

In order to realise the vision, the Nordic Council of Ministers will prioritise three areas in the next four years: a green Nordic region, a competitive Nordic region and a socially-sustainable Nordic region.

All of the ministerial councils and Nordic institutions must make a concrete contribution and ensure that the vision is realised.

In autumn 2019, time will be spent actively building support for the vision in the Nordic countries, in the Nordic Council, in civil society and in the business community throughout the Nordic region.

Vision for Nordic co-operation

"Our Vision 2030"


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Author Bio

Mary Gestrin is head of communications at the Nordic Council of Ministers and Nordic Council. The Nordic Council of Ministers was set up in 1971 and consists of 11 ministerial councils as well as the Ministers for Nordic Cooperation. All decisions in the Nordic Council of Ministers must be unanimous.

The vision was adopted by the Nordic prime ministers in Reykjavik on 20 August 2019. Icelandic prime minister Katrin Jakobsdottir chaired the meeting (Photo: Sigurdur Ragnar Sigurjonsson)


Author Bio

Mary Gestrin is head of communications at the Nordic Council of Ministers and Nordic Council. The Nordic Council of Ministers was set up in 1971 and consists of 11 ministerial councils as well as the Ministers for Nordic Cooperation. All decisions in the Nordic Council of Ministers must be unanimous.


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