Credit: Alejandro Tauber's magical feature image creation studio (Photo: Screenshot Google Images)

'Healthcare drain': the EU's market-based medic migration migraine

In April 2020, during the first phase of the pandemic, Romania was confronted with the highest number of corona infections and deaths in all of Europe. Not only because of suspicion about the vaccine. But there was also simply too little healthcare staff to care for patients.

According to the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW), between 2010 and 2018 no other European country lost so many doctors to other (European) countries. Gheorge Borcean, director of the Orde...

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Author Bio

Janneke Juffermans is a freelance journalist. Her articles deal with inequality, climate change and biodiversity loss and preferably with the relationship between all three of them.

Credit: Alejandro Tauber's magical feature image creation studio (Photo: Screenshot Google Images)


Author Bio

Janneke Juffermans is a freelance journalist. Her articles deal with inequality, climate change and biodiversity loss and preferably with the relationship between all three of them.


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