"There should not be a return to a hard border of the past and there won't be," said Enda Kenny (l) after meeting Jean-Claude Juncker (r). (Photo: European Commission)

EU rules out post-Brexit 'hard border' with Northern Ireland

The border between Ireland and Northern Ireland should be "as open as possible" after Brexit and Northern Ireland should keep a right to fast-track EU membership, the Irish prime minister and European Commission chief said on Thursday (23 February).

"There should not be a return to a hard border of the past and there won't be," Enda Kenny told journalists after meeting Jean-Claude Juncker in Brussels.

A few days earlier he had said the issue was "a matter of vital national interes...

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"There should not be a return to a hard border of the past and there won't be," said Enda Kenny (l) after meeting Jean-Claude Juncker (r). (Photo: European Commission)



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