A Ceausescu poster - Romanians appear to be nostalgic for Communist times (Photo: TheYoungDylanWaitsInTheCave)

National amnesia: Survey uncovers Romanians' nostalgia for Communism

Only half of the Romanian population consider Nicolae Ceausescu's Communist regime to have been repressive, according to a new national survey. The other half thinks that life was better in Communist times or has no opinion.

The study, carried out by the CSOP market research and opinion survey company, in co-operation with the government-sponsored Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile (IICCMER), shows that only 27 percent of Romanians h...

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A Ceausescu poster - Romanians appear to be nostalgic for Communist times (Photo: TheYoungDylanWaitsInTheCave)

