Sugar beets in Denmark (Photo: Lars Plougmann)


Without EU quotas, sugar sector struggles with low prices

The outlook for the European sugar sector is not good at the moment, according to the director-general of the European Association of Sugar Manufacturers (CEFS).

"It is really a difficult period of time with a lot of uncertainties, " Marie-Christine Ribera told EUobserver in an interview.

The Brussels-based lobby group's main concern – and that of the entire sector – is the historically-low market price for sugar.

"It's going down and down and down," said Ribera.


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The European Data Journalism Network (EDJNet) is a platform for data-driven news on European affairs brought to you in up to 12 languages by a consortium of media and data journalists from all over Europe, which includes EUobserver.

Sugar beets in Denmark (Photo: Lars Plougmann)


Author Bio

The European Data Journalism Network (EDJNet) is a platform for data-driven news on European affairs brought to you in up to 12 languages by a consortium of media and data journalists from all over Europe, which includes EUobserver.


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