ROMANO PRODI - Commission president: "The stability pact is imperfect, it is true, because it's necessary to have a more intelligent tool and more flexibility." (Photo: European Commission)

Prodi calls stability pact 'stupid'

Commission spokesman Jonathan Faull had to carry out a damage limitation exercise after an interview by Commission president Romano Prodi with Le Monde. Mr Prodi's unguarded comments on the growth and stability pact were published in the Thursday edition of the French paper. "I know very well that the stability pact is stupid," said the president "as are all decisions that are rigid."

Bad timing

What he meant, said his spokesman, was that "a rigid dogmatic implementation...

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ROMANO PRODI - Commission president: "The stability pact is imperfect, it is true, because it's necessary to have a more intelligent tool and more flexibility." (Photo: European Commission)

