According to a Mozilla report, no platform has been able to publicly provide the data needed to monitor the impact of advertisements and ad campaigns on online platforms before Europe’s upcoming elections (Photo: Jorge Franganillo)


Multinationals' advertising is funding Russian disinfo in the Balkans

Combatting disinformation is hard. Attempts from the European Commission to crack down on it by demanding online platforms to hire an “army of fact-checkers" only address one piece of the puzzle. Yet, what about the publishers of misinformation? Little has been done to curtail this issue, even though the region is filled with countless sites that continue to spread anti-EU narr...

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Author Bio

Peter Horrocks CBE, is a founding member of the Balkan Free Media Initiative and former BBC World Service director. Sarah Kay Wiley is director of policy and partnerships at NGO Check My Ads.

According to a Mozilla report, no platform has been able to publicly provide the data needed to monitor the impact of advertisements and ad campaigns on online platforms before Europe’s upcoming elections (Photo: Jorge Franganillo)


Author Bio

Peter Horrocks CBE, is a founding member of the Balkan Free Media Initiative and former BBC World Service director. Sarah Kay Wiley is director of policy and partnerships at NGO Check My Ads.
